ICON Photo Shoot
ICON Photo Shoot is a startup Photo Studio. The client had approched with a logo requirement. They had a view about how the logo must be.
Since, their business is a photo studio they came up with an idea for their logo. Two things, an eye and a camera lens as eye ball.
The client provided with two sample images. First, an eye with a camera lens representing the eye ball in the center. Second and eye with a camera shutter. These samples helped me to illustrate initial sample drawings. Below are the illustrations of an eye along with camera lens/shutter.
The client had provided two sample images to describe the details on how the logo must look and what message it display to the public. Therefore, 6 sample images were choosen and sent to the client for verification. As a result, 3 sample logos were designed with different approche to satify the client. And, the final oucome is the logo which satified the client.